상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli - Time To Say Goodbye

*Andrea Bocelli

by 낙동강. 2023. 4. 14. 23:42





당신을 알기전 난 그저 그런 세상을 살아왔어요.
하지만 당신을 알고나서 당신이 열어준 환희에 참 행복했어요
어쩌면 더 큰 운명이 다가올 수도 있음을 망각한 체로 무척이나 기뻐했었어요.
또한 가끔은 꿈을 꾸기도 했었어요.
질곡의 장막은 사라질 것이라고!
눈부신 빛이 당신의 모두를 감싸안을 것이라고!
아! 이제는 정녕 나 혼자서라도 망망의 대해를 노 저어야 한다고 생각하니 조금은 슬퍼요.
하지만 이상 더는 잃을 것이 없기에 힘차게 나아갈까 해요.
당신의 달콤한 멜로디를 잃는 것은 애닯지만 잘 견뎌나가겠어요.
내가 지금 얼마나 아픈지는 당신 몰라도 돼요.
부담감은 당신을 더 더욱 우울하게 만들 것이니까요.
안녕, 잘 지내시길!


(2023. 2.25 )

Despite the fact that I had only seen your face through the internet, while I was listening to your songs, I was happy because when I heard your voice, something like "Where there is a will, there is a way." That is, although you were blind, you had been a great tenor, and you were so gregarious.


As a result, I believed that everyone could pursue their own dreams. Who could deny reaching one's goal? Who would be reluctant to help others? Nobody could turn a deaf ear to his or her entreaties. Nobody could live alone. Everyone should strive for coexistence and mutual prosperity.


As you know, life is a journey, and no one is impeccable, so we could face unnecessary situations like arguments, etc. But music is not germane to leading any quarrel, so it is wonderful and helpful to people, including me. That is to say, beautiful harmony does not imply distress; it stands to reason!


Hence, again, losing you was sad for all of us. Especially me. very sad because you were one of the baby boomer generations (1946–1964), and so am I! Therefore, I am sorry, and I wish I had expressed my condolences earlier. I hope you are always happy in heaven!

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