상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Saddle the Wind / Lou Christie

♣ Pop Song ♣

by 낙동강. 2019. 1. 6. 00:03


Saddle the Wind
Lou Christie


It's my dream to see the world

And fly like a bird on the wind

나의 꿈은 세상을 보고픈 것
바람 타고 새처럼 날고픈 것


To be free from the cares of the world
And never go home again


이 세상 모든 걱정 벗어나서

다신 집에 돌아가지 않으리


Saddle the wind I'd like to saddle the wind

And ride to wherever you are


바람 타고~

바람을 타고...

당신이 있는 곳까지 가고 싶어요


And you'll smile and cry and welcome me

Oh my darling that's how it's gonna be


그러면 당신은 눈물진 미소로 나를 반기겠지요

오,내 사랑!

그렇게 될꺼예요 

#### 간주 ####


Saddle the wind I'd like to saddle the wind

And ride and ride till I'm by your



바람을 타고...

당신 곁에까지 날아가고 싶어요


And you'll laugh and cry and welcome


그러면 당신은 웃음과 눈물로 나를 반기겠지요


Oh my darling that's how it's gonna be

Oh my darling that's how it's gonna be

Oh my darling that's how it's gonna be


오, 내 사랑!

그렇게 될꺼예요



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