Sting - Shape Of My Heart (lyrics)
2017.10.19 by 낙동강.
조수미-기차는 8시에 떠나네
2017.10.19 by 낙동강.
Alexia Vassiliou - To Treno Fevgi Stis Okto / Το τραίνο φεύγει στις
2017.10.19 by 낙동강.
조수마-기차는 8시에 떠나네The train leaves at eight
2017.10.19 by 낙동강.
Haris Alexiou- to treno fevgi stis ohto 기차는 8시에 떠나네
2017.10.19 by 낙동강.
Andy Williams - The Best Songs. - Video
2017.09.02 by 낙동강.
Lobo - Stoney
2017.09.02 by 낙동강.
Olivia Newton-John's- Greatest Hits
2017.09.02 by 낙동강.